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C o m p a c t D i s c s - Click links below for audio files and cd details.P r i m a l S c r e a m full version on SoundCloudS o u n d J a n i t o r - S l i m e o r S u b l i m e Greg Diamond, percussion; David Claman, bass; M. Wuolle, guitar detailE l e c t r i c G u i t a r Improvisation in 3 movements detailS o u n d J a n i t o r Greg Diamond, percussion; M. Wuolle, guitar detailG r a n d C e n t r a l detailP r e l u d e cd single, solo guitar detailG u i t a r W a s t e l a n d detailL o v e l y v i l l e - M u s i c F r o m P r i n c e t o nIncludes Matt's "Lovelyville" live performance watch/listenMatt plays guitar on David Claman's "Hip Replacement"
Y e a r s o f F e a r detailT h e M u s i c o f O u r L i v e s videoE x o t i c J o u r n e y detailO d d s a n d E n d s compilation of various titles excerpt 1 462k excerpt 2 248k excerpt 3 193kA c o u s t i c W o r k s ( 1 9 9 9 ) detailS h o c k W a v e detail
Electro-Acoustic Works
Crazy Dave (spoken word, sound montage) 17':02" 1998 (new re-mix)
Steven Segall (music video) 3':00" 1998
Florida On My Mind (flute and environmental snds) 17':30" 1996 score page 1
Years of Fear (voices, saxes, and performances w/ objects) 9':45" 1995
T-bone (construction workers and sound montage) 12':35" 1994
The Music of Our Lives (experimental music video) 8':45" 1994
My People (experimental music video) 20':30" 1994
Imitation Cheese Product (speech, saxes, and animal sounds) 8':44" 1993
Collage (percussion and electronic soundtrack) 12':00 1992
Exotic Journey (midi soundtrack, voices) 12':00 1989 I. Aurora excerpt II. Expo III. Exotic Journey
Tritonal (midi soundtrack) 3':50" 1989
Electric Gtr MIDI Work #1 (gtr and midi soundtrack) 4':00" 1989
Ideas (midi soundtrack) 3':20' 1988
Symmetry (midi soundtrack) 3':00" 1987
Untitled #1 (soprano voice and sampled instruments) 5':00" 1987
Acoustic Solo and Chamber Works
Lovelyville (duo for alto and tenor sax) 14':00 1994 (revised 1996)
live performance watch/listen
score page example
Hocus Opus (sax quartet) 14':00 1993Movement I, Taxophone live performance watch/listen
Movement II, Newage live performance watch/listen
Movement III, With Courage live performance watch/listen
Apparitions (soprano voice and piano) 4':30" 1992
Hog Jowl Soup (solo piano) 4':10" 1992
Oh, No (solo oboe) 2':40" 1992
Atanos (solo classical guitar) 2':00" 1992
Harp Etude 2':30" 1992
Equinoctial (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano) 4':00 1992
Ebullition (violin, piano) 10':00 1991
Tides (solo piano) 2':00 1989
Joy and Sorrow (satb chorus) 4':00 1988
Orchestral Works
Der Waltzer des Laufers 5':50" 1991
Winter Solstice 5':00 1990 excerpt 156K
Sound Environments
Geese at Lake Carnegie dam Kingston NJ 2-19-96
Indoor Deconstruction at Princeton University Music Dept NJ 6-1-95
Basement Machine Room at Princeton University Music Dept NJ 6-1-95
Indoor Deconstruction at Princeton University Firestone Library NJ 6-22-94
Meineke Muffler Shop Heightstown NJ 9-16-93
Rock and Jazz-Rock Band Works
Pre-Dawn Excursion (guitar, bass, drums, sampling) 4':30" 1987
Foreplay (guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, sampling) 4':00 1986
Revelation (voice, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards) 5':00 1985
Chaos (lyrics, guitar, bass, drums) 6':00 1984
Can't Be Alone (lyrics, voice, guitars, bass, drums) 4':00 1983
Disillusion (lyrics, voice, guitar 2) 7':00 1980
Confusion (lyrics, voice, guitars, bass, drums) 8':00 1979